Exploring the science of the genome with art and story

Are you a Genome Explorer?

Yes, of course you are. We’re the first generation of humans to have our own genomic data. Intricate and sublime, ancient and new, your genome is a masterpiece of complex and remarkable stories.

Even more exciting, researchers are building a compendium of worldwide human genetic variation. From short bits of DNA from a few humans to sequencing millions of whole genomes for programs like the Pangenome Project—we’re living through history-making science.

Science inspired art and books by Lynn Fellman

I’m Lynn Fellman, an artist who draws and writes about the magnificent genome. My artwork, books, and videos combine art and story to help you experience the wonder, understand the amazing scientific advances, and become powerful genome-literate citizens for a sustainable future.

Decoding Plant Genomes” is my new book about biologists modifying plants to adapt to changing environments owing to the climate crisis.

My videos explore the quirky and beautiful mechanisms of evolution and biology. The “Sleeping Beauty” animation explains how genome engineers are advancing therapies for human health. 

Check out my “Dancing Helix” fine art prints, which celebrate the dynamic qualities of the double helix. The “Raging Climate” series features genetically modified model organisms in vivid colors.