Exploring the science of the genome with art and story

Are you a Genome Explorer?

Yes, of course you are. We’re the first generation to have our individual code, aka your DNA. Intricate and sublime, fierce and fantastic, your genome is a masterpiece of complexity with a remarkable story.

I’m Lynn Fellman, an artist for science—drawing and writing about the magnificent genome. My videos and books, fine art prints and notecards are for Genome Explorers like you. Illustrated tales to learn the science, experience the wonder, and become powerful genome-literate citizens for a sustainable future.

Why explain science with art and story?

Scientific concepts can be confounding, and scientific words can be baffling. Ordinary folk, like you and me, need the big picture and why it matters. That’s why illustrations and words share my creative palette. I want to make a compelling story that elicits a good feeling, an “Ah, ha! Now I get it!” emotional response.

The outcome could be a book about biologists modifying plants to withstand the raging climate or an animated video about engineering genomes to advance therapies and vaccines. Science and stories are woven into my Fine art prints, celebrating the dynamic double helix.

Do you know?

An organism’s complete set of DNA is called its genome. But did you know we have three core genomes that, all together, make up your whole magnificent genome? If you wonder what and where, make a guess and watch “DNA vs. Genome. What’s the Diff?” that explains everything.